Maker Lab: St. Patrick’s Day Cookies

Maker Lab: St. Patrick’s Day Cookies

Our Maker Lab is going to smell delicious on Thursday, March 13th at 5:30 pm because we're baking St. Patrick's Day cookies!

This program will have the kids taking turns with the mixing bowl and measuring out the ingredients to concoct some delicious green cookies to feed those hungry leprechauns. This program is best suited for kids 6+. There is no registration required to attend. We will have a sign up sheet at the front desk to help us better prepare. Attendance size will effect how many turns everyone takes and how many cookies you can enjoy.

We have scheduled this program to coincide with our Group Chat: Keeping Your Family Safe Online. A presentation and discussion in the gallery on common internet safety concerns for parents and families. Let us bake with your kids while you have a group chat.

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